Attend my event on April 12 to learn how to recession-proof your business.

I have an exciting announcement to make! On April 12, I will be holding a presentation about “How to Recession Proof Your Business in 2023”. I decided to do this because I still remember the challenges that my friends and other Realtors faced during the 2008 recession. Many lost their homes, went out of business, and struggled to stay afloat.

The reason for their struggles was the lack of proper systems and frameworks to guide them through the market’s various cycles. That’s why I will be presenting six frameworks that my wife and I used during the 2008 recession to successfully navigate the market’s changes.

“Our preparedness ensured that we could survive the little blip in the market.”

These frameworks were also tested during the COVID pandemic when there was no real estate for about 60 days. Our preparedness ensured that we were at peace and could survive the little blip during that time. So I invite you to join me for a one-hour presentation on April 12, where I will show you the six frameworks that will help you prepare for future market changes.

Registration is free; click here to secure your spot. I can’t wait to help you ensure that your business is recession-proof! If you have any questions about the event or need help with your real estate goals, call or email me. I’m always happy to help.