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By Joe Peoples

As a Performance Development Coach and Real Estate Professional with over 20 years of experience, I empower individuals to create freedom and live their lives more fully. Whether my clients desire a more successful business, flexibility in their schedule, more work-life balance , or all of the above, I work side by side with them to embolden my clients to build the businesses and lives they are craving.

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There’s one thing that you should do if you want your business to be profitable and prosperous, and that is: never quit.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because of Les Brown. He was one of the first motivational speakers I’ve ever seen. In one of his talks, he shared his experiences as a child, being born on the floor with his twin brother and growing up with a learning disability. His story resonated with me.

As a child, I too grew up with challenges that were bigger than what I could handle as a child. My parents went through a divorce, and I had some behavioral issues that showed up in school. It was disastrous. Back then, there were no rules about bullying or name-calling, and when things like that happen, you tend to see yourself differently. Brown tells the same story of identifying with your weakness until one day, someone told him that he did not have to live with that narrative. Going through that transformation from what you used to be to who you want to become is challenging. And as you transform or accomplish anything, you simply cannot quit.

“Quitting happens when you give in to circumstances, letting them decide what you’re going to do.”

This applies to all aspects of your life. Quitting your business or your life happens when you give in to circumstances, letting them decide what you’re going to do. It can disguise itself in a lot of ways. One metaphor that I use is being identified or labeled as something less than. When having a career in real estate, it can be you accepting market conditions, setbacks, or an additional requirement as a reason to not pursue what you want.

I filmed two videos about what consumers expect from you as an expert. Not quitting ties into the idea that being an expert means making decisions independent of external factors around you. Persistently trying to be intentional in your efforts is the only way to have a chance to have a prosperous business and achieve your goals.

I want to leave you with this one piece of advice. Do not quit. Stay in the game and be yourself. Define what you want and relentlessly pursue it, independent of results. I will send out an article containing six pieces about not quitting, so stay tuned to that. If you have questions or want to connect, reach out to me by phone or email at I’ll be happy to help.

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