Two key concepts that will help agents and their teams be more productive.

I want to share two key concepts that you can share with your team today to ensure their productivity and profitability. I’ve been helping agents build successful teams for years, and at the core of each great team are 12 key concepts. Today I want to focus on two of those concepts that are foundational to the rhythm your business needs to succeed.

The first concept is your top 50. This consists of the people who have already said yes, and that can happen in three ways. They either asked you to reach out monthly, have given you business in the last year, or will likely generate a referral for you. Your top 50 already know, like, and trust you. They believe you’re the best and think you’re worth working with. 

“Following these two concepts will help you and your team be more productive. ”

The second key concept is your lead follow-up procedure. You need a simple program to ensure leads don’t fall through the crack. Personally, we use an “ABC” approach. An “A” lead is someone you’ve met for an appointment and engage with weekly to ensure you’re moving forward. They might buy or sell in the next 30 days. 

“B” leads are planning to buy or sell in the next 30 to 90 days. You’ll follow up with them twice a month. Finally, “C” leads are 90 or more days away from a transaction, so you’ll check on them once a month. By executing this time-based program, you can guarantee that your leads don’t fall through the cracks. 

If you have any questions about these two concepts, feel free to call or email me. I’d love to hear from you.